![]() Maybe someone will find it useful, feel free to share. Since any years I was adding to Google maps breeders of working goldens to have a better view where they are based. Map could be useful for people who are looking for a puppy. If you would like to change, add or delete any entry, please write me PM or email [email protected] Google Map link --> https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/embed?mid=1jOHmWL2ruMQv3VQWNm6G4hXQu5fPN6An&fbclid=IwAR0RUy0JXZBKh1NRJLmr0TOsk7k0CRIQXKW6AXx5w3vzRrI55gWCEKGxV_k&ll=51.948909391253174%2C5.412297181948247&z=5 If someone would like to add the map to the own webpage you can use code Rules are rules and we can only accept them. Finn needed “one dog show” that his breeding permission is accepted everywhere so we dit it today! With almost 7 years old dog, working golden!, who was never in a show ring 🙂
IDS CACIB Nitra, SK 8.12.2019 Judge: Daniela Bartosova (Aldamity labradors) Kaliture Finn - excellent 2, res. CAC in working class Thank you very much for nice and fair judgement. I really appreciate it! Thanks Lucy for this excellent boy who has everything what a real golden should have! I really really love him! ❤️ ![]() superb results of Finn’s son Chance - FTCh Think Twice Zero to Hero - Diploma of Merit and Gun's Choice at the IGL Championships 2019. breeder: Laura Lazzaretto, owner: Nathan Laffy photo by: John Lupton Congratulations!
Puppies from our "A" litter are 4 months old, all are changing teeth finally and here are some pictures of them 😊. Thanks to all owners for an excellent care 👍 More pictures are in Litter "A" Gallery. Šteniatka z nášho vrhu A už majú 4 mesiace a všetci už začali prezubovať a pripájam niekoľko ich aktuálnych fotiek 😊. Ďakujem všetkým majiteľom za výbornú starostlivosť 👍 Všetky fotografie sú v Galérii vrhu A. last puppy left our house and will be really missed here - little Rosie - Duckmoors Amazing Rosie - found her home here in Slovakia just 1,5 hour from our place which I’m really happy about. She is living with Petra and Michal and looks like she will be a future mantrailing star and with a bit of luck she will try also gundog work 🙂. Have a great life Rosie and Petra, good luck with little piranha 🥰 and thank you for all lovely pictures! posledné šteniatko z nášho vrhu opustilo náš dom a bude nám tu naozaj veľmi chýbať - malá Rosie - Duckmoors Amazing Rosie - našla svoj domov tu na Slovensku iba 1,5 hodiny od nás, z ktorého som naozaj šťastná. Žije s Petrou a Michalom a vyzerá, že bude budúcou mantrailingovou hviezdou a s trochou šťastia vyskúša aj poľovnú prácu 🙂.
Prajeme ti krásny život Rosie a Petra, veľa šťastia s malou piraňou 🥰 a ďakujem za krásne fotky! Jazz & Rosie - 15 weeks old 🙂 even they had not a dummy in the mouth yet, they had a chance to retrieve a fresh duck today and I think they could not be better 🥰 Jazz & Rosie - 15 týždňov 🙂
aj keď ešte nemali v papuli dummy, mali dnes možnosť vyskúšať si priniesť čerstvú kačicu a myslím si, že to nemohlo dopadnúť lepšie 🥰 Our picking-up season started on Saturday with ducks. Challenging weather conditions and difficult retrieves. We had only wounded ducks and long blinds, not one mark. Very happy about Finn, Toffee and Lou, especially Lou was just great today on all wounded birds, she showed huge determination and patience and really surprised me a lot ❤️
Not many pictures as the weather was really bad, but I was happy to catch one of the Lou’s retrieve where she fought really long time with one duck and “he” fought very long time with her, scratching her face, hitting her eyes, she lost him more times, but on the end Lou won! If I would have a steak there, she would get it 🙂. All pictures are in Picking-up season 2019-2020 Gallery. the last boy from our litter, a blue one - Duckmoors A Chapel Down “Messi” - is already in his new super home in Germany. Messi is living with Marion & Bernd and their two goldens. We wish them many beautiful training days and a lot of fun and success on the working tests! Have a beautiful life, Messi ❤️! Posledný, modrý psík z nášho vrhu - Duckmoors A Chapel Down "Messi" - už je v jeho novom domove v Nemecku. Messi žije u Marion a Bernda spolu s ich dvoma ďalšími goldenmi. Prajeme im mnoho nádherných tréningových dní a veľa zábavy a úspechov na working testoch!
Yellow boy from our litter - Duckmoors All About Eagle - my special puppy, everybody here fell in love with him at first sight. And everybody call him Oliver from the first moment ❤️. I made a note in my breeding diary, that he is the special one when he was only 7 days old. I was thinking very hard to keep him here even it was not a plan to keep a boy from Toffee’s litter. But than my brain won and I let him go far away... a week of crying here, my devastated daughter could not understand why we let him go, but she will, later.
His name is Luke now and lives his 5* life in Belgium with Marc & his wife. He is sharing a household with his cousin Tess and will have a really nice active life. I know it was the right decision but he is still really missed here and we think of him often. We wish him a wonderful life and Marc, take care of him, he will be always special 🥰. Big hugs to Luke! Red girl from our litter is already at her special 5* home - Duckmoors Absolut Vodka “Vodka” - is living in Germany with Petra, Michael & Celina. She is a new Boss for Toffee’s brother Jolly, Touch & Limit 🙂. We wish her a lot of fun and success during her working career! Červená fenka z nášho vrhu - Duckmoors Absolut Vodka “Vodka” - už je vo svojom novom 5* domove v Nemecku, kde žije s Petrou, Michaelom a ich dćerou Celinou. Je novou šéfkou pre Toffeenho brata Jollyho, Toucha & Limita. Prajeme jej mnoho zábavy a úspechov počas pracovnej kariéry!
tired puppies = good puppies ☺️ some trips in last days - Brno center, Spilberk castle, mini zoo, restaurants, school shopping with kids and puppies .. everything without problems with brave and happy puppies unavené šteniatka = dobré šteniatka ☺️
Niekoľko výletov v posledných dňoch - centrum Brna, hrad Špilberk, Mini zoo, reštaurácie, zvládnuté aj školské nákupy s deťmi a šteniatkami - všetko bez problémov so statočnými a šťastnými šteniatkami. Another boy from our litter - Duckmoors Autumn Tumble “Tango” - found his 5* home in Poland. He is living with our friend Anna and her goldens, so he has enough 4-legged friends 🙂. We wish him successful working career on a working tests and a lot of fun during picking-up days 😉. Hopefully we will meet on many trainings to watch his progress. ... and who knows ... maybe we will see him also on dog shows 😉 Ďalší chlapec z nášho vrhu - Duckmoors Autumn Tumble “Tango” - našiel svoj 5* domov v Poľsku. Žije s našou kamarátkou Annou a jej goldenmi, takže má dostatok štvornohých priateľov 🙂. Prajeme mu úspešnú pracovnú kariéru na working testoch a veľa zábavy počas poľovačiek 😉. Dúfame, že sa stretneme na mnohých tréningoch, aby sme mohli sledovať jeho progres.
.. a kto vie .. možno ho uvidíme aj na výstavách 😉 life with puppies inside the house .. can’t believe that they destroyed not one thing inside until now...
Our light blue boy - Duckmoors A Red Shot "Mango" is already with his new owners - Nina & Črt and their 2 kids in Slovenia. He will be not only a family dog but also trained as future SAR dog (search and rescue). We wish him a beautiful life and good luck to his owners. You can follow Mango on his Instagram. Náš svetlomodrý chlapec - Duckmoors A Red Shot "Mango" už žije so svojimi novými majiteľmi - Ninou & Črtom a ich dvoma deťmi v Slovinsku. Okrem toho, že bude rodinným miláčikom, bude taktiež trénovaný ako záchranársky pes. Prajeme mu nádherný život a veľa šťastia jeho majiteľom. Manga môžete sledovať na jeho Instagrame.
Dark blue boy from our litter - Duckmoors Avalanche Storm “Stormy” - stays in Slovakia (the only one who stays in our country), just few minutes from us with our friends Janka & Rastio and their kids. I’m sure, he will be a great family dog for his active family and we will meet him often. Have a great life, Stormy! Tmavomodrý chlapec z nášho vrhu - Duckmoors Avalanche Storm “Stormy” - ostáva na Slovensku (ako jediný), žije iba pár minút od nás u našich priateľov Janky a Rasťa a ich deťmi. Som si istá, že bude úžasným rodinným psom pre jeho aktívnu rodinku a budeme sa často stretávať. Prajeme Ti úžasný život, Stormy!
Little ones are almost 8 weeks old and will leave to new homes next week 😢. Some of them will stay a bit longer with us due to rabies rules. We have really warm weather now, so puppies are crazy about cooling in the small pool. All pictures from last weeks are in their Gallery. Šteniatka majú takmer 8 týždňov a budúci týždeň budú pomaly odchádzať do nových domovov 😢. Niektorí z nich s nami pobudnú dlhšie kvôli pravidlám očkovania besnoty. Momentálne je u nás veľmi teplé počasie, a tak sa šteniatka bláznia v malom bazéne. Do ich galérie pribudli fotky z posledných dvoch týždňov.