Red girl from our litter is already at her special 5* home - Duckmoors Absolut Vodka “Vodka” - is living in Germany with Petra, Michael & Celina. She is a new Boss for Toffee’s brother Jolly, Touch & Limit 🙂. We wish her a lot of fun and success during her working career! Červená fenka z nášho vrhu - Duckmoors Absolut Vodka “Vodka” - už je vo svojom novom 5* domove v Nemecku, kde žije s Petrou, Michaelom a ich dćerou Celinou. Je novou šéfkou pre Toffeenho brata Jollyho, Toucha & Limita. Prajeme jej mnoho zábavy a úspechov počas pracovnej kariéry!
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