Our puppies are growing fast and are already 5 weeks old. They are super confident, quiet and very easy to handle. New pictures from the last week are in their Gallery. Šteniatka rýchlo rastú a majú už 5 týždov. Sú sebavedomé, tiché a starostlivosť o nich je naozaj nenáročná. Nové fotky z posledného týždna sú v Galérii.
our special old lady celebrates 15th Birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Last days were not easy, but I'm very happy that after a week she was again with us on our morning walk today and was running around like a puppy :), all pictures are from today. BE STRONG, RIA!
4th week is running and puppies are exploring each other and they were first time outside. New pictures from last two weeks are in their Gallery. Šteniatkam beží štvrtý týždeň, spoznávajú sa navzájom a prvýkrát spoznávajú aj svet mimo svojej ohrádky. Fotky z posledných dvoch týždňov sú v Galérii.
Toffee delivered during short time her first puppies. We have 5 males and 3 bitches and all are doing great. Toffee is an excellent mom ;) All information about the litter you can find under Puppies page. Toffee porodila svoje prvé šteniatka. Máme 5 chlapcov a 3 baby a všetci sú v poriadku. Toffee je výborná mama ;)
Všetky informácie o aktuálnom vrhu môžete nájsť na stránke Šteniatka. Our trip to UK in March was successful and we are expecting puppies on the end of May :)
Pedigree of the litter www.k9data.com/pedigree.asp?ID=931349 26.-28.3.2019 - during last days we have traveled to UK to meet Bizz and his owner Keith. Hopefully the meeting was successful and we will expect our first litter in two months.
Very happy for both and especially for Toffee that she is completely healthy girl. Our picking-up season is over and we are waiting for Toffee's season now and looking forward for her first litter in next months ;) Som veľmi spokojná za oboch, naša poľovačková sezóna skončila a čakáme na háranie Toffee a tešíme sa na jej prvý vrh v nasledujúcich mesiacoch ;)