Both girls joined us on the ducks and pheasants this season. I'm very pleased with both of them. Toffee a Lou sa túto sezónu pridali k Finnovi na poľovačkách na kačice a bažanty. We've switched dummies for game this weekend and both girls earned their hunting licenses finally. SRK Autumn cold game test for retrievers, Letnicie, SK, 14/10/2018 Moonwater Tallulah - I. prize 200/200 points, res.CACT Kaliture Toffee Crisp - I. prize 200/200 points, CACT, Club winner Toffee won just because she is 4 months younger than Lou ;) I'm so happy for both of them but especially for my fighter Lou that she was able to compete in hot weather whole day with all others even with her handicap and she really fought hard and did not give up until the end. Now we can enjoy picking up days finally! Thanks to Tatiana who helped me during the test with switching dogs and Dušan for his time and possibility to train them before the test! Dummy sme vymenili tento víkend za zver a Toffee a Lou získali poľovnú upotrebiteľnosť s príjemným bonusom navyše. Klubové jesenné skúšky retrieverov, Letničie, 14/10/2018 Moonwater Tallulah - I. cena, 200/200 bodov, res.CACT Kaliture Toffee Crisp - I. cena, 200/200 bodov, CACT, Klubový víťaz Som spokojná s oboma avšak špeciálne veľmi hrdá na Lou, ktorá bola schopná pracovať v teplom počasí celý deň s ostatnými aj napriek svojmu hendikepu, nevzdala sa a vydržala až dokonca. Teraz si už konečne môžeme užívať poľovačky v plnom zložení! Ďakujem Tatiane, ktorá mi pomohla počas skúšok s prehadzovaním psov a Dušanovi za jeho čas a možnosť trénovať s babami pred skúškami! hard day again today .. 8 hours of driving (don’t understand why all working tests are soo far from my place), but.. Working Test Finale Milovice, CZE 22.9.2018 Judges: William Rostron (UK), Sara Chichester (UK) Kaliture Toffee Crisp - novice class - 2nd place, excellent 74/80 Just one point behind our training partner Wendy and Jaroslava, big congrats girls!!! 👏 Not so bad for little mouse who was 1 month without training and started just few days after season. ďalší ťažký deň za nami .. 8 hodín šoférovania (nerozumiem, prečo sú všetky working testy tak ďaleko), avšak..
Working Test Finále ČR, Milovice, 22.9.2018 Rozhodcovia: William Rostron (UK), Sara Chichester (UK) Kaliture Toffee Crisp - trieda L - 2. miesto - výborný 74/80 Skončili sme iba 1 bod za našimi tréningovými parťáčkami Wendy a Jarkou, veľká gratulácia! I should run on this Working Test with Toffee and Lou but unfortunately Toffee was fast with her season, so I had to withdraw her. Lou did her best and together with her team partner earned 3. place in puppy class. Team Working Test Palačov, CZE, 08/09/2018, Judges: Paul O'Brien (IRL), Matty Lambden (IRL) Moonwater Tallulah "Lou" & Vildandens Oscar af Molteli, Team "Fast & Furious" - 3. place in puppy class Na týchto WT som mala štartovať s Toffee aj Lou, avšak Toffee sa poponáhľala s háraním, a tak som ju musela odhlásiť. Lou spolu s jej tímovým partnerom podarilo skončiť na 3. mieste v triede E. Team Working Test Palačov, ČR, 08/09/2018, Rozhodca: Paul O'Brien (IRL), Matty Lambden (IRL) Moonwater Tallulah "Lou" & Vildandens Oscar af Molteli, Team "Fast & Furious" - 3. miesto v triede E Thanks for the pictures Tatjana Zamorskaja!
Another hard and very hot day in Hungary and again successful. Working Test Halászi, HU 28/04/2018, judges: Charlotte Keller (CH), Péter Yandó (HU) Kaliture Toffee Crisp 1. place in puppy class with excellent 76/80 4. place out of 27 dogs in novice class with very good 71/80 can’t be more proud of little mouse!
Ďalší namáhavý a veľmi horúci deň v Maďarsku a opäť úspešný.
Working Test Halászi, Maďarsko 28/04/2018, rozhodca: Charlotte Keller (CH), Péter Yandó (HU) Kaliture Toffee Crisp 1. miesto v triede E - výborný 76/80 4. miesto z 27 psov v triede L - veľmi dobrý 71/80 very long and hard day but with happy ending this time.. 2 hours of sleeping, wake up at 3:15, driving 7 hours, we are all dead, but little mouse did it ;) Working Test Szentgotthárd 7.4.2018 Hungary, puppy class, judges: Jenny Hamring (SE), Dr. Csaba Szántay (HU) Kaliture Toffee Crisp - 1st place and Judges' Choice - 75/80 (17, 18, 20, 20) - excellent Sunny weather, nice grounds & organization, we couldn’t ask for more. Thanks to Rita Kökény for the pictures. Veľmi dlhý a namáhavý deň je za nami, avšak so šťastným koncom..
Working Test Szentgotthárd 7.4.2018 Maďarsko, trieda E, rozhodca: Jenny Hamring (SE), Dr. Csaba Szántay (HU) Kaliture Toffee Crisp - 1. miesto & Voľba rozhodcov - 75/80 (17, 18, 20, 20) - výborný Krásne počasie, výborné terény a organizácia, viac sme si nemohli želať. Ďakujem Rite Kökény za fotky z WT. We have received Toffee's tests results. ALL CLEAR for: DM - Degenerative Myelopathy SLC - Hyperuricosuria DEB - Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa vWD type I - von Willebrand disease type I NCL-F - Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis MDR1 - Multidrug Sensitivity Very happy that she is clear for all incl. hips, elbows and eyes. |