Dark blue boy from our litter - Duckmoors Avalanche Storm “Stormy” - stays in Slovakia (the only one who stays in our country), just few minutes from us with our friends Janka & Rastio and their kids. I’m sure, he will be a great family dog for his active family and we will meet him often. Have a great life, Stormy! Tmavomodrý chlapec z nášho vrhu - Duckmoors Avalanche Storm “Stormy” - ostáva na Slovensku (ako jediný), žije iba pár minút od nás u našich priateľov Janky a Rasťa a ich deťmi. Som si istá, že bude úžasným rodinným psom pre jeho aktívnu rodinku a budeme sa často stretávať. Prajeme Ti úžasný život, Stormy!
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