hard day again today .. 8 hours of driving (don’t understand why all working tests are soo far from my place), but.. Working Test Finale Milovice, CZE 22.9.2018 Judges: William Rostron (UK), Sara Chichester (UK) Kaliture Toffee Crisp - novice class - 2nd place, excellent 74/80 Just one point behind our training partner Wendy and Jaroslava, big congrats girls!!! 👏 Not so bad for little mouse who was 1 month without training and started just few days after season. ďalší ťažký deň za nami .. 8 hodín šoférovania (nerozumiem, prečo sú všetky working testy tak ďaleko), avšak..
Working Test Finále ČR, Milovice, 22.9.2018 Rozhodcovia: William Rostron (UK), Sara Chichester (UK) Kaliture Toffee Crisp - trieda L - 2. miesto - výborný 74/80 Skončili sme iba 1 bod za našimi tréningovými parťáčkami Wendy a Jarkou, veľká gratulácia! Comments are closed.