very long and hard day but with happy ending this time.. 2 hours of sleeping, wake up at 3:15, driving 7 hours, we are all dead, but little mouse did it ;) Working Test Szentgotthárd 7.4.2018 Hungary, puppy class, judges: Jenny Hamring (SE), Dr. Csaba Szántay (HU) Kaliture Toffee Crisp - 1st place and Judges' Choice - 75/80 (17, 18, 20, 20) - excellent Sunny weather, nice grounds & organization, we couldn’t ask for more. Thanks to Rita Kökény for the pictures. Veľmi dlhý a namáhavý deň je za nami, avšak so šťastným koncom..
Working Test Szentgotthárd 7.4.2018 Maďarsko, trieda E, rozhodca: Jenny Hamring (SE), Dr. Csaba Szántay (HU) Kaliture Toffee Crisp - 1. miesto & Voľba rozhodcov - 75/80 (17, 18, 20, 20) - výborný Krásne počasie, výborné terény a organizácia, viac sme si nemohli želať. Ďakujem Rite Kökény za fotky z WT. Comments are closed.