Even we cannot compete, we did a superb training today with a cold game. I was absolutely amazed that my girls did a perfect job. Chilli (Amanda Aguzannis) didn't have a game for last two years, but showed that work you can't forget :). Fly (Blazinlakes Flying Star) didn't train with game last 5 years because of her spinal surgery, but showed some absolutely perfect retrieves. We had also with us a young lab Finnie (Feel The Win You're The Inspiration) and for her it was the first training with a cold game in her life and she was learning from older more experienced dogs and had absolutely no problems in training. And on the end, my stunning, almost 12 years old and blind lady, which never ever had a game and I was for 1000% sure she never ever takes a game to the mount, showed us that the old age and eyes are just nothing. We can start with game in any age! She was soooo perfect! I can't be more satisfied with training today and my big thanks to Tatiana for her time and assistance today ;) Next time we need another photographer because it's too difficult to take pictures and handle two dogs together :)
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