"Bojoval statočne 10 týždňov, avšak svoj boj prehral and zanechal nás so zlomeným srdcom.
Nikdy na teba nezabudneme, Cliff"
import Rakúsko
2. august 2010 - 30. marec 2015 príčina smrti: lymfosarkóm - rakovina lymfatických uzlín Otec: Good Luck Yankee Mama: Real Gold Push The Button chovateľ: Alessa Krafek, http://www.lightning-fast.at/ DBK: A/A DLK: 0/0 OCD: neg. prcd-PRA: clear by parentage GRMD: clear MH: clear |
What we have once enjoyed we can never lose.
All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. "He gave you love and loyalty, cuddled up to you, upon your knee, Brought such joy into your life, Gave you reason through your strife, Such a loving trusted friend, Always faithful to the very end, Now he's had to say goodbye, He's off to his kennel in the sky. |
One thing I know is definitely true,
His spirit will forever be with you, Keeping with you, adoring as always, Take comfort from this, in all your sad days. To think of him now makes you cry, But one day you won't even have to try, To recall the things that made you love him, Those antics of his will conjure a grin, I know he will always be there in your heart, Just like he has been, right from the start. " |