import USA
Born: 9th June 2008 Died: 13th December 2021 Cause of death: ruptured spleen/liver tumor Sire: Blazinlake's Miami Maniac JH Dam: HR Wilee Birdius Hunteris SH WCX breeder: Glenn H Crawford, HD: FCI A/B ED: FCI 1/0 teeth: complete dentition prcd-PRA, GRMD, MH: clear other medical examinations: 9/9/2010 confirmed Lumbosacral Stenosis (Cauda Equina Syndrome) and Osteochondritis Dissecans in sacrum, neutered Fly, I brought from U.S. a few months after the death of Mo. She was my dream as a golden retriever from working line. My plans with her were big and she assured me every day that the road won't be so easy as I thought. Already after the first few days when she arrived, it was clear that it won't be easy. Rumors about american goldens started slowly acknowledged. She was a small ball of temperament, energy, speed and unexhaustibility. When she was 1,5 year old, she learned to lay down finally, relax and even sometimes sleep all day and in the meantime be prepared at any time run out on the field and work with great speed. This situation however didn't last long ... |
... Fly is already retired.
In her 2 years she had serious injury on the training and she is after difficult spinal surgery. She is not able to work as a gundog anymore, but I'm very grateful for the fact that she can walk at least. She is enjoying the life on the couch and is great companion in our pack, manage and teaching all the dogs how to behave here. |